
Bridge Celebrates Our 2024 Graduates!

On August 28, 2024, Bridge held a graduation ceremony to celebrate 15 young adults who recently completed their HiSET (High School Equivalency) exams or other academic programs. The youth convened at Suffolk Law School, where they donned caps and gowns and stepped up to receive their certificates of academic achievement.

The ceremony began with a few words from Bridge President and CEO Elisabeth Jackson. “The youth we are celebrating today worked so hard to accomplish this milestone,” Elisabeth told the crowd of graduates, family, friends, and Bridge team members. She also commended the youth for their high HiSET scores, “which is a testament to the fact that despite hard circumstances, our youth persevere.”

The graduates also heard from former Bridge Education and Career Coordinator Kat James, who congratulated the youth on their achievements, reminded them that “The best opportunities often come when you least expect them,” and counseled them to “take risks, try new things, and push yourself beyond what you think is possible.”

Especially inspiring were the youth speakers, the first of whom was Antonio, recipient of Bridge’s Leadership Award. Antonio gave an uplifting speech, saying, “It’s tough to get a diploma, but believe me, earning a HiSET credential is just as challenging—and it’s a great achievement. This accomplishment has opened doors for me and has laid the foundation for my future.” Antonio is currently pursuing his bachelor’s at Springfield Technical Community College and hopes to one day transfer to a larger university like UMass Amherst.

Salutatorian Samuel also delivered inspirational words, reminding his fellow graduates, “It’s time to look forward, not backward. As they say, the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror for a reason.” Samuel hopes to use his HiSET to get into college or trade school and study to become an electrician.

Finally, valedictorian Jacob spoke and recounted the obstacles that he and his fellow graduates had faced, saying, “Many of us have confronted challenges that, at times, seemed insurmountable. Some of us have endured the hardships of homelessness, navigating the uncertainty and difficulties it brings.” But, Jacob noted, the overcoming of those obstacles is cause for celebration, saying, “This moment is not just a reflection of our intelligence; it is a testament to our resilience, strength, and unyielding courage.” Jacob hopes to go on to earn his associate’s or bachelor’s degree.

Overall, it was a great day for graduates, friends, family, and the Bridge team members that attended, especially our hardworking Education & Career team, who have mentored, guided, and coached our students through the HiSET process and assisted those working on individual academic programs as well. The department is a core part of our program, helping youth take the next steps towards their futures. This event is an opportunity for Bridge to celebrate the hard work of our team members and most importantly, the persistance, dedication, and intelligence of our inspiring young people.