About Bridge
Our Mission

Our Mission
Bridge Over Troubled Waters provides effective and innovative services to runaway, homeless, and high-risk youth, helps youth avoid a lifetime of dependency on social services, guides youth towards self-sufficiency, and enables youth to transform their lives and build fulfilling, meaningful futures.
Our History

Our History
In the late 1960s, a dedicated group of women, teachers who were members of the order of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Boston, began reaching out to disaffected, troubled, and often drug-involved youth on the Boston Common and in Cambridge, which had become gathering places for young people who had no place else to go.
Leadership & Board

Leadership & Board
The dedicated team at Bridge have a singular focus: to help our youth move their lives from troubled to transformed.
The Community We Serve
Community Demographics

Facts About the Vulnerable Youth Community
Every year, Bridge serves 2,000 homeless, runaway, and at-risk youth in Boston.
Programs and Services

Programs and Services
Whether you are homeless, interested in getting your HiSET, or just need someone to talk to, we can help. Bridge offers a range of services for youth ages 14 to 24 in a positive and safe environment.
Success Stories

Success Stories
Our youth make great strides before, during, and after their time at Bridge.
Bridge: The Whole Way
Our Methodology
From 50 years of experience, Bridge has developed the capabilities and built the infrastructure needed to address the vulnerable youth community of Greater Boston.
Watch our video to learn more!

If you are between the ages of 14-24 and looking for help, call 617 423 9575