National Homeless Youth Awareness Month (NHYAM)

National Homeless Youth Awareness Month

As part of National Youth Homelessness Awareness Month, we want to educate others about youth homelessness both locally and nationally, share how we’re addressing it as an organization, and invite you to help support us in the work that we do.

Below is more information on ways you can support youth and learn more.

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Through November, Bridge will be featured on digital, MBTA and street-level signage in the greater Boston area. This campaign is called #WhatISayWhatIMean, and is focused on sharing real quotes, directly from our youthabout their experience of homelessness.

A youth might say to a friend, “I like working overnight shifts,” but the meaning hidden behind their words is, “I don’t have a place to sleep at night.”

This powerful and personal campaign inspires us to learn more about youth homelessness and the young people it affects. These statements will appear on social media and all over Greater Boston, on trains, on buses, at transit stations, and more.

Keep an eye out for one of our signs, snap a picture, and tag Bridge on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (@bridgeotw) to help us raise awareness for #NationalHomelessYouthAwarenessMonth!

Did You Know?

Interested in the facts from our Did You Know Series? Find the citations and more information here:

Learn More:




  • Voices of Youth Count. Explore national research on youth homelessness and how timely events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, are impacting youth experiences.

Test Your Knowledge:

Bridge Partners

Check out our partners! During November, Bridge’s partners in Massachusetts and around the country are coming together to raise awareness for youth experiencing homelessness. See below for more information: