
Amina is a recent 2019 Graduate from our Education and Career Development Program. When she first came to Bridge, she was looking to finish her high school education. Below, she shares a bit about her experience successfully completing her HiSET certificate!

Amina shares her story

“A friend suggested that I call Bridge. So I called and was able to be set up with the Education Department and start school here at Bridge. I was frustrated and depressed because I was not able to succeed in school. I had failed a couple of classes. It broke me. I could barely pass on my own.

I always knew I was smart enough, and knowing that, I kept trying. The problem was not me as a person, but the way the classes were taught at school. But Bridge has helped me and it’s been amazing. I’ve been able to find progress.

I immediately felt more motivated here at Bridge because people were nicer to me. It was the same work as in the schools I was in, but the stress was gone. I could be who I am.

Here at Bridge, there is a ‘lighter air’ to it, is what I’d say. I was able to pass my first class at Bridge, which gave me the energy to go on. I’ve now completed the five classes I needed to get my HiSET – math, science, social studies, English, and writing.”

What’s next for Amina?

“I write a lot in my spare time,” Amina commented. “But, I don’t want it to turn into a job, because I want it to stay fun for me. So instead, I’m learning more about graphic design, because I sketch (as another hobby). I am hoping to take graphic design classes at MassArt.” We look forward to seeing what she accomplishes!